A brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in your brain.
There are several types of brain tumors. Some brain tumors are noncancerous (benign) and others are cancerous (malignant). Brain tumors can start in the brain (primary brain tumors), and cancer can start in other parts of the body and spread to the brain as secondary (metastatic) brain tumors.

Brain tumors grow at different rates. The location and rate of growth of a brain tumor determine how it affects nervous system function.
Treatment of brain tumors depends on the type, size, and location of the brain tumor.


The signs and symptoms of brain tumors vary widely and depend on the size, location, and rate of growth of the brain tumor.

Common signs and symptoms of brain tumors include:

New onset or change in headache pattern
Headaches that gradually become more frequent and more severe.
Unexplained nausea or vomiting
Vision problems such as blurred vision, double vision, and loss of peripheral vision
Gradual loss of sensation or movement in arms or legs
balanced difficulty
speech impediment
very tired.
everyday confusion


Brain tumors that begin in the brain

Primary brain tumors start in or near the brain. For example, the membrane that covers the brain (meninges), cranial nerves, the pituitary gland, and the pineal gland.
Primary brain tumors begin when changes (mutations) occur in the DNA of normal cells. A cell’s DNA contains instructions that tell it what to do. Mutations tell cells to grow and divide faster and survive when healthy cells die.The result is an abnormal mass of cells that forms a tumor.
In adults, primary brain tumors are much less common than secondary brain tumors, where the cancer originates elsewhere and spreads to the brain.
There are several types of primary brain tumors. Each gets its name from the cell type involved. For example:

Glioma. These tumors originate in the brain or spinal cord and include astrocytomas, ependymomas, glioblastomas, oligoastrocytomas, and oligodendrogliomas.
Meningitis. Meningiomas are tumors that form in the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. Most meningiomas are benign.
Acoustic neuroma (schwannoma). These are benign tumors that form on the nerves that control balance and hearing from the inner ear to the brain.
Pituitary adenoma. These are tumors that form in the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. These tumors can affect pituitary hormones throughout the body.

searching for best brain tumor treatment in Delhi NCR so visit a Valentis Cancer Hospital we provide best brain tumor treatment.

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