Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high-energy X-rays or other particles to destroy cancer cells. A doctor who specializes in giving radiation therapy to treat cancer is called a radiation oncologist. A radiation therapy regimen or schedule usually consists of a specific number of treatments given over a period of time. Many types of cancer can be treated with radiation therapy. It can also be used in conjunction with other cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and/or surgery.
How does radiation therapy treat cancer?
Cancer begins when healthy cells invade and grow out of control. All cells in the body go through a cycle of growth, division and multiplication. Cancer cells go through this process faster than normal cells. Radiation therapy damages cells’ DNA, causing cells to stop growing or die. Unlike other cancer treatments that affect the whole body, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy is usually a localized treatment. This means that it usually only affects the part of the body where the cancer is located. Some healthy tissue near the cancer cells may be damaged during the treatment, but this usually resolves after the treatment has finished.
There are many different types of radiation therapy, and they all work in slightly different ways to destroy cancer cells.
What are the goals of radiation therapy?
The goals of radiation therapy depend on the type of cancer you have and whether and how far it has spread. Radiation therapy may be given alone or as part of a treatment plan that includes multiple treatments. Some of the ways radiation therapy is used include:
As primary treatment – Often, the goal of radiation therapy is to get rid of all the cancer and prevent it from coming back.
Before other treatments – Radiation therapy may be given before other treatments, such as surgery, to shrink larger tumor. This is called Neoadjuvant radiation Therapy
After further treatment – Radiation therapy may be given after other types of treatment to destroy any remaining cancer cells. This is called “adjuvant radiation therapy”.
To relieve symptoms – Radiation therapy can be used to relieve the signs and symptoms of cancer. This is called “palliative radiation therapy”.
Radiation therapy can be used to treat many types of cancer. More than half of people with cancer will receive some form of radiation therapy. For some cancers, radiation therapy is the only effective treatment. Other types of cancer respond better to a combination of treatments. Radiation therapy can also be used to treat recurrent and metastatic cancer.
If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with Cancer valentis cancer hospital Provides Radiation treatment for Cancer in uttarakhand (UK). The experts at the Valentis Cancer Hospital provide the highest level of quality care in a medical environment for the mind, body and spirit of the person dealing with cancer.